Focus - Hospitality and Tourism

Translation for Travel, Hospitality and Tourism

Translation is at the heart of the hospitality and tourism industry. Whether your business is a hotel, an airline, a rental car agency, or even a restaurant, you’ll need to be prepared to reach out and welcome customers from all over the world, in a wide variety of languages.

Starting with your company’s website, the language and design of your communications should be tailored in such a way that your potential customers feel at ease from the very first interaction. Not only that, but your company’s virtual presence will be the first to speak of the quality of your services, setting you apart from the competition.

The quality of your language says more than just what is written: it speaks of the care invested in your customers, showing by example your attention to detail and overall company image.

We work hand in hand with our clients so that they can easily make the jump from local to global. Websites, newsletters, marketing material for social media, surveys, internal documentation, signage, brochures, and more… 

Read about BeatBabel's approach to Translation